Friday, July 3, 2009


I must be the most sarcastic person EVER! Even my sub conscious is sarcastic!
Yesterday I was consulting someone as to what they should do to further their education. With any business venture their may be some risk. When it comes to trusting someone online you must be very careful. The woman I was talking to had just been through an emergency surgery on her bowel and could not afford a large tuition to further her business knowledge. She asked me what she should do. I explained the benefits and the risks. Then with out even thinking I suggested that she "Go With Her Gut Feeling" How far can a person shove their foot in their mouth, you ask? Well, I think I broke the world record! Don't forget I've been the tittle holder for a while now anyway! WOW! I know. The first thing that came to mind was hey "YOU SAID IT" dummy!

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