Monday, July 13, 2009

Product Reviews - Secret Invisible Solid vs Women Degree Ultra Clear

I have just recently made a new discovery on a few products. I feel a public review is in order here. I was shopping at my local Target Store and as usual I was magnetically drawn to the dollar zone and then the clearance items. (I only got a few things that were not on my list. LOL)
Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. My regular brand of deodorant has been, as of lately, Degree Ultra Clear antiperspirant & deodorant. It claims to go on more clear and last longer that Secret Invisible Solid antiperspirant. WRONG!
I found a great deal on a three pack of the Secret Invisible Solid for less than $4.00, so I thought I would take the chance. Once I got home and was putting everything away, I became informed.
Not only is it obvious that Secret (Dist. by Procter & Gamble) goes on completely clear (unlike Dove, Degree, Suave....) It also smells nice and clean, don't want to smell the "pit stick"over my perfume you know. The Secret Invisible solid has 19% Active ingredient where Degree Ultra Clear only 14.8% Active Ingredient.
Maybe this is a strange thing to get all 'public' about, but I know ladies here in Phoenix Arizona must care just as much as I do about this subject. When the temp is 100+ It is important to be protected!
Thank You & Make It A Great Day!

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