Monday, August 3, 2009

Herbal Essences Set me up

Beauty on a Budget
Herbal essences
set me up

I have been using Herbal Essences Spray Gel for many years. I love it! My hair stays in place and of course it smells great! Hands down one of my can't live without hair products!
Recently Herbal
essences has a new look. That is fine and dandy because it's whats on the inside that counts, right ladies? Of course it is! Anyway, I was almost out, so naturally I grabbed a couple bottles while I was in Target, to save me the disaster of running out and being broke! It's not that I use it every day, but it has saved many of my "oops" "I hit the snooze button one to many times" mornings. Yeah, you said it,girls add this to your emergency beauty kit today! When I got back from shopping at my local Target Store I was feeling good and still under budget. Always a good thing.
I ended up comparing the old look to the new look, while I was putting things away and I must say I was a little shocked to find I had been robbed! Yes I was robbed! The older bottle of extra hold hair gel is bigger than their new one! How sneaky of them. The new Herbal
essences extra hold spray gel contains 170mL (5.7 FL OZ LIQ) vs the older bottle at 177mL (6.0 FL OZ LIQ) So there it was, plain as could be. Herbal essences set me up spray gel extra hold is now 7mL less than before. I do like the new bottle, but I feel like somebody out their (who ever helped design this new look) is thinking, they'll never notice a 7mL decrease if we distract them with a flashy bottle! What idiots to pay the same price for less hair product! ha ha ha !
Well, crazy mad hair care scientist of my imagination, I know what you did and now my readers know and well... You aren't real so...
Sorry bout that.
It can be tough, trying to hold it back when you're a Gemini. So I'll keep using my Herbal essences set me up extra hold spray gel with cactus flower to keep it together.
Thanks for reading,
happy shopping!

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