Saturday, August 8, 2009


I promise to never attempt to speak(blog) on behalf of all you ladies out their.Don't believe anything I blog, everything I know is based on my personal experiences. Having said that, I feel it very necessary to share a recent experience with you now.
The product that is most important in your beauty supply kit is none only than the magic of the mascara wand. It can be a magic wand for your eyes and it could also be a nightmare.
Most of today's makeup products are focusing on being a perfect match for each individual. I love this concept! It seems to be making some progress, there will always be room for improvement, I'm sure. The point I am trying to make here is that when it comes to mascara it is very different. Yes there are many, many varieties of this product, however they treat us like we are all alike. (Remember this is from my own experience.) I don't believe I have purchased the same brand of mascara more than 3 times. Eye lashes are very important to me today because I did lose them all once, due to an allergy I had when I was younger. It was horrible! Now, 18 years later, I still count my blessing that they ever grew back.
Recently I purchased REVLON 3D EXTREME Mascara. Cost was around $10.00. I love REVLON and it's made right here in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! In my opinion, I got ripped off this time! I suppose there could be a magic wand in there somewhere. You could never find it. This mascara was dry and flaky, cakey, and the worst clumpy! Even if you attempted to smooth it out with an eyelash comb, you will get mascara flakes all over your face. By the end of the day it will all be under your eyes anyway. I gave it a fair chance, given that sometimes mascara does get a little better after the first couple days. Not this crap! worse and worse! I really disliked this product!
So anyway, I couldn't use it another day, and I also didn't want to go over budget either. So I settled with myself that I would get one under $5.00 because desperate times call for desperate measures! I picked it up at Walgreen's Pharmacy, Mega Wink by Wet'n'wild! It isn't the best but I must give credit where credit is due. Thank you Mega Wink you saved my... eyes! LOL
Anyway thank you all for reading and make it great day.
P.s Kudos to Cori Pishotta on her fabulous saving of over $100.00 USD at Fry's Grocery Store! You must share your magical methods with the rest of us Penny Pinchers.

1 comment:

  1. You need to be more active on your blog little one.

    Let's go! You're leaving TONS of money on the table.

